Nabu’s Hellbringer Build

This build is about a more even distribution of offensive statistics, whilst achieving excellent results. The ST setup is the familiar one we know from previous mods, whilst the AoE setup is focused on AP Gain and burst damage rather than stacking Soul Investiture.

Race: Metallic Dragonborn

Abilities: Intelligence and Charisma

Powers and Feats – ST

At Wills

Hellish Rebuke: Will account for approximately 6% of our damage, but it triggers Bilethorn, Deadly Curse and Creeping Death, which adds up to a lot of additional damage for the Warlock class.

Hand of Blight Melee: Excellent source of Soul Spark generation and AP Gain, generating 3.63% of our AP for every full cast (4 hits).


Killing Flames: The first no brainer choice due to the high magnitude and moderate cooldown, providing approximately 10% of our damage. It currently places a Curse on the target, however the curse is bugged and it’s duration is much shorter than the standard curse duration.

Blades of Vanquished Armies: Some might find the changes of targeting hard to get used to, but give it time and remember that you can look away or up to target yourself. All Consuming Curse class feature performs exceptionally well with BoVA’s Curse Synergy (deals 50% more damage to enemies affected by your curse).

Hadar’s Grasp: As much as other spells look good for the third option (Hellfire Ring/Infernal Spheres) in theory, HG still holds the title with its ability to proc Bilethorn for 6 ticks when used with the Curse Synergy function proccing Bile’s 60 Mag once, but the 8% additional damage 6 times.


Tyrannical Curse: is the only valid option for a Warlock in ST. The 15% debuff which increases damage received from us for 20 seconds after casting means that the more damage you can burst after daily the better, so set up well!

Brood of Hadar: You will never use this, but in case of a mis-cast, this is the best option to have as your secondary Daily.

Class Feats

All Consuming Curse: This feature ensures as close to 100% uptime on our second feat choice Warlock’s Curse (WC) which is a 12% damage boost.

Deadly Curse: This works in conjunction with ACC and provides each cast of your at wills with extra damage due to its double proccing on HR and HoB. This will yield an approximate 6% in bonus damage and is a must have for ST.


Double Scorch: Despite an incorrect tooltip, Double Scorch works correctly in practice, doubling the damage from the initial hit of Soul Scorch.

Warlock’s Curse: Buffs our damage against cursed enemies by 12%. ACC gives it a virtual 100% uptime, and is essential on our ST loadout. Parting Blasphemy may work well with a Curse Bite build, doing high burst damage, but runs out of steam quite quickly due to the internal cooldown, resulting in its damage being too inconsistent in extended fights.

Risky Investment: Hands down the best option for our third feat. Buffs our encounter damage by 4% per stack of Soul Investiture that we have, giving us 20% at maximum stacks. The alternative here is Soul Desecration which just isn’t worth it. The puppets actual damage output is relatively weak (about 1% of our total damage), and buffing it with Soul Desecration feat doesn’t yield much higher results, making it a poor feat choice compared to Risky Investment.

Creeping Death: Deals 10 magnitude damage every 2 seconds as Necrotic damage every time we deal damage with our at will, encounter and daily powers, stacking up to ten times. Pleasantly enough, Executioner’s Gift also works quite nicely in a boss fight. Creeping Death did take a nerf in that it now works against defensive stats. Depending on your toon, it will account for around 4-6% of your total damage compared to 11% previously.

Soul Spark Recovery: A core feat for this playstyle. Reduces our encounter cooldowns by one second per every six soul sparks consumed. Soul Scorch consumes eighteen Soul Sparks allowing us to reduce our cooldowns by three seconds each time we use it. Wrathful Souls also reduces our cooldowns, but it’s much better to have control over your cooldown reduction, and not rely on a lousy AI.

Powers and Feats – AoE

At Wills

Hellish Rebuke: Will account for approximately 6% of our damage, but it triggers Bilethorn, Deadly Curse and Creeping Death, which adds up to a lot of additional damage for the Warlock class.

Dark Helix: Provides some additional burst damage in AoE when mobs are dying quickly.


Killing Flames: A valid choice even in AoE due to the high magnitude and moderate cooldown, providing approximately 10% of our damage. It currently places a Curse on the target, however the curse is bugged and it’s duration is much shorter than the standard curse duration.

Fiery Bolt: Another burst damage power that performs very well when hitting 5 targets or more. Will place a Curse on all targets and has a synergy with Deadly Curse feat hitting each target with another 25 magnitude (when used like this, hitting 4 or more targets will yield a higher MPS than KF).

Hellfire Ring: Burst damage with a DoT. Will also apply a Curse proccing the Deadly Curse 25 magnitude on each target. This Encounter will also generate the most AP out of the three Encounters used.


Soul Siphon: Large radius AoE daily that will easily reach the target cap of fifteen targets. One of the best AoEs in the game, and is the sole reason why it’s worth investing into AP Gain on an AiE loadout.

Tyrannical Curse: You will never use this, but in case of a mis-cast, this is the best option to have as your secondary Daily.

Class Feats

No Pity, No Mercy: Removes the DoT portion of HR and instead buffs the initial hit damage. Forces CA on enemies that we crit against, buffing our damage even if we are unable to gain positional CA.

Deadly Curse: This works in conjunction with HfR and FB, providing a WAD of extra damage due to its double proccing on FB usage (will only double proc on primary target, all secondary targets will be hit once with Deadly Curse).


Double Scorch: Despite an incorrect tooltip, Double Scorch works correctly in practice, doubling the damage from the initial hit of Soul Scorch.

Warlock’s Curse: Buffs our damage against cursed enemies by 12%. ACC gives it a virtual 100% uptime, and is essential on our ST loadout. Parting Blasphemy may work well with a Curse Bite build, doing high burst damage, but runs out of steam quite quickly due to the internal cooldown, resulting in its damage being too inconsistent in extended fights.

Risky Investment: Hands down the best option for our third feat. Buffs our encounter damage by 4% per stack of Soul Investiture that we have, giving us 20% at maximum stacks. The alternative here is Soul Desecration which just isn’t worth it. The puppets actual damage output is relatively weak (about 1% of our total damage), and buffing it with Soul Desecration feat doesn’t yield much higher results, making it a poor feat choice compared to Risky Investment.

Creeping Death: Deals 10 magnitude damage every 2 seconds as Necrotic damage every time we deal damage with our at will, encounter and daily powers, stacking up to ten times. Pleasantly enough, Executioner’s Gift also works quite nicely in a boss fight. Creeping Death did take a nerf in that it now works against defensive stats. Depending on your toon, it will account for around 4-6% of your total damage compared to 11% previously.

Soul Spark Recovery: A core feat for this playstyle. Reduces our encounter cooldowns by one second per every six soul sparks consumed. Soul Scorch consumes eighteen Soul Sparks allowing us to reduce our cooldowns by three seconds each time we use it. Wrathful Souls also reduces our cooldowns, but it’s much better to have control over your cooldown reduction, and not rely on a lousy AI.


SlotGear Title
HeadBlessed Whisper’s Hood of Quiet
ChestBlessed Bone Devil’s Ribcage
ArmsBlessed Divine Raid Armlets
Weapon SetMirage
FeetRusted Iron Leggings
3 Piece SetApprentice’s Spoils Set
RingsGuiding Ring of the Sharpshooter
Ring of Fallen Power +5
ShirtUpper Pact Brands of the Blaze Bond
PantsLower Pact Brands of the Blaze Bond
Active ArtifactHalaster’s Blast Scepter
Secondary ArtifactWyvern Venom Coated Knives
Secondary ArtifactArcturia’s Music Box
Secondary ArtifactStaff of Flowers

Note: AoE loadout uses all the same gear, with the following exceptions:
Feet: Primal Boots
Active Artifact: Envenomed Storyteller’s Journal + 2 other Journals.

Main Hand Artifact Modification

Enhanced Hellish Rebuke

Off Hand Artifact Modification

Recharge Speed and Combat Advantage

Armour Kits Reinforcement Kits

x3 Major Accuracy Kit +1 and x1 Major Critical Strike Kit +1.

Jewel Kits

x4 Major Combat Advantage Kit +1.


Offense: Assassin’s x8 and one Tenebrous.

Defense: Tacticals x4.

Utility: Dark x5

Overload: Rage of Flames – 5% more damage. Devil’s Precision – 5% Critical Strike and Accuracy.

Weapon: Bilethorn.

Armour: Barkshield.



Tier 5

Choice One: Masterclass – An extra 4% to our Forte.

Choice Two: Quick Turnaround – generally more useful in Trials, since you will already have your AP filled in time for the next buff/debuff window. This means stacking AP Gain is not as necessary as it would be for an AoE loadout.

Master Boon

Blood Lust: Since Focused Retaliation was changed, Blood Lust has become the best option for a DPS. All three of bonuses are useful, but in particular the reduction to an enemy’s defense will lead to an increase in damage for you.


Offense: Accuracy.

Defense: Awareness.

Utility: Revive Sickness boon, a quality of life boon that reduces the effects of Revive Sickness.



Cold Iron Warrior is currently very strong despite having an issue with Warlord’s Inspiration insignia bonus (should this ever be addressed, expect CIW to eat a nerf). Currently has an EncDPS of 30775 during a 10 minute parse with CA, x6 Indomitables and x1 Warlord’s Inspiration.

Enhancement Bonus

Acute Senses – An additional 7.5% Combat Advantage.

Active Companion Bonus

Wild Hunt Rider – 10% chance to gain 11.25% Combat Advantage for 10 seconds.
Phase Spider – 3.75% Combat Advantage and Critical Strike.
Book Imp – 3.75% Accuracy and Combat Advantage.
Alchemist Experimeter – 3.75 Combat Advantage and Critical Strike.
Batiri – 11% damage versus bosses.

Companion Gear

Blessed Talisman of the Companion x2 – 1650 Accuracy.
Blessed Grimoire of the Companion – 1650 Critical Strike.

Companion Runestones

Indomitable x6.


Insignia Bonus


Agression x8.
Skill x7.

Mount Bolster

The mount system has been updated to include a Bolster Bonus, much like the Companion Bolster Bonus. This Bolster takes the percentage from the ten highest quality mounts in your stable, which then increases the effectiveness of your Combat Power and Equip Power up to double their original value.

Mount Collars

Stock image not related to build

Mounts can now be given a collar, although only one from each category can be equipped and the collar has to be of the same quality, or lower, as the mount that it is equipped on.

Wayfaring Crescent CollarIncreased Critical Severity
Supportive Crescent CollarIncreased Stamina Gain
Sturdy Crescent CollarIncreased Enounter damage
Unified Crescent CollarIncreased Movement Speed
Practical Regal CollarIncreased RAD Bonus

Should you have to pick just two, go for Wayfaring Crescent Collar and Sturdy Crescent Collar. I also would not recommend prioritising the refining of these items at the moment. The investment you will make far outweighs the benefit you will receive from it. Naturally you will want to rank these up at some point, but focusing on your Mount Bolster over Collars is a must.

Mount Powers

Combat Power: Tunnel Vision

Equip Power: Quick Action – Grants 6% of your AP over 10 seconds after using a Daily power. This is a personal preference, but can be substituted for a Stat boosting Equip Power of your choice.


Watermelon Sorbet: Grants 10% more Power and Accuracy. This buff does not persist through death, so if you are killed you will need to use another.

Wild Storm Elixir: Grants 10% Critical Severity.

Superior Flask of Potency +1: Grants 440 Critical Strike, Power and Accuracy, and 7.5% Critical Severity.

Prime Rib: Grants 5714 HP and 1143 Power.

8 thoughts on “Nabu’s Hellbringer Build

  1. Did you consider equip bonuses that take into account number of players in the group? I am asking this because this endgame build will definitely be used in trials and dungeons, where you likely have other 4 players in your group.


    1. I will get in touch with Nabu to find out any extra information in regards to equip bonus. One thing I know is that he typically runs with a Ranger with Aspect of the Pack, which grants an extra 5% Combat Advantage


    1. That’s quite an involved subject, since there are effectively a variety of potential rotations for AoE, although there is only really one for ST. On this build’s AoE, Nabu uses:

      Artifact>Daily>Mount Power>FB>HfR>KF>At Will.

      The standard ST rotation:

      HoB/HR (to place a Curse on target)>Artifact>Daily>Mount Power>KF>BoVA>Soul Scorch>HG>HR spam.

      During ST you will notice that KF and BoVA come off of cooldown much quicker than HG, so the rotation is never truly fixed. Do not wait for HG to be off cooldown before casting other encounter powers, and Soul Scorch should take cast priority over HG always.


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